Friday, August 21, 2009


I just came back from the plant. Switched on the TV. Ordered room service.

-Ting Dong-

"Room service".

-Door opens-

"Good morning Sir!"

-- what the!! Dood, I just came back!!! I want to sleep!! It's not a GM from any angle!!!!!!--

The fellow is confused from my look. Yet, as he gives the food and turns back to go - he again puts up best of his smiles.

"Have a good day sir!"

-Door closes-


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Rain. Train. Drain. Crane. Refrain. Cane. Chain. Vain. Gain. Lane. Mane. Main. Sane. Insane. Pain.

Latak. Jhatak. Matak. Natak. No, that doesn't rhyme. It is naatak.

Latak. Jhatak. Matak. Patak. Fatak. Satak. Atak. Chatak. Bhatak. Gatak.

Frankly speaking, I don't know why I am rhyming these words at 12 o clock in night when I've gotta get up at 5 in morning and go for a 20 hour work day. X-(

Tuesday, August 11, 2009




He burnt his hand with the cigarette in his hand, trying to determine if the pain of a burn was more. He was not at all surprised when the burn stopped aching after some time.

...his heart was still aching.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Life is a suffering. A constant suffering. Endless pain. Interrupted by small moments of happiness, most of which occur unexpectedly. Sometimes the happy moments are just not enough. You want more. You are disillusioned by the fact that there will be more happy moments in future. You keep running more and more to attain that mirage. Those moments of happiness become more and more rare.


I heard it someplace - life is like a marathon. Totally true. At starting point, you are very happy. Lots of people running around you. You feel jolly and run with double enthu. Slowly, the crowd grows thinner. Lesser and lesser people around you. Halfway down the path, most of your enthu has gone dead. You just run for those rare happy moments where someone passes you an orange kip or a glucose bottle.
Although, there is a difference, there is an end in sight in marathon which keeps pulling you, in real life, it's an endless race.


Do you remember the time when you were the most happiest (% of happy time spent per day)? . That time was your childhood. Since then, the % of happy time has only reduced.

Anyways, lets search for those happy moments. Let's hope that the % will increase.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

But it rained... (Again)

I don't know why I keep returning to these lyrics time and again:

"They justified the cause for which Daddy might give up his life

It's been so long, so long a time, still I miss Daddy at night
The ache is long gone but the never keeps staring along
The waters in the seas are high
...and all the sand castles have drowned.

... How I thought the sun would shine tomorrow..
But it rained!!"