Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bucket list

1) Haji Ali
2) Cafe Mondegar, Leopold, Churchill
3) Movie
4) Theobrama
6) Colaba Causeway
7) Insti night, once again
8) Punnu's place
9) Bade Miyan/ Gokul

Add on..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hope is a man's biggest enemy. When the hope is crushed, he dies.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Everytime (and I mean, every single time) - someone asks me - "plan kya hai" - I am reminded of Amitabh Bachhan's line from Kaante -

Plan एक घडी है,
घडी के पुर्जे यानि हम.., perfect, तो घडी भी perfect..
वरना वही watch sala bomb ban के हम sab ko.. BOOM!! ॥
Samjha kya? "

Haan to bhai, whats the plan?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Yesterday, at temple, I saw a rare sight.

A boy, probably somewhere in 10th or 12th class, was sitting in front of shivji's idol, with a open book, and mugging away furiously in a very dimly lit area. Jumping from one chapter to another. Frantically trying to grasp (or revise, I dont know) a few concept here and there. Glancing at the idol every few minutes. Glancing at his surroundings every other few minutes. Turning back to the book immediately.


Reminded me of many things. It reminded me of a famous incident, where a famous person (dunno who, Lala lajpat rai?) studied in streetlight, because he didn't have money to buy kerosene oil to light a lamp. It reminded of my solid mechanics course - in my 1st year, I was standing at the temple (A104). It reminded me of the way I was staring at Hg, who helped me pass that exam and turned out to be my idol.

It reminded me that life, however complex it may get, will still have a way to make you forget everything and smile for atleast that one moment.


Sunday, February 28, 2010


When the I is not the me..

Thursday, December 31, 2009


When this year started, I had prayed to God, "Let this year be more eventful than 2006". God landed me on a roller coaster ride.

Goa. Marathon. Jan EOs. French classes, movies, outings, LQG. 740. Aps. Oct EOs. ISB reject. Realizations.
Back to Vidya. The Aal izz well. Nagpur.

I had wished for just one more thing. But God has a funny way of raising the expectations, and then snatching them away.

Happy New Year 2010! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

All is well!

"Here is a request - One day, come up to me, give me a hug, and just say 'it's all ok' ".

"I can say aal izz well"
