Monday, May 19, 2008

Some stats!

More than 60% of dialogues of a human being are spent doing the following two activities

1) Stating the obvious
" बारिश हो रही है|"
" बहुत धूप है |"
"taxi नही मिल रही|"
2) Speculating:
" आज तो Mumbai Indians जीत ही जायेंगे"
" कल तक बाढ का पानी निकल जाना चाहिए"
" आज बारिश होगी "


99.99% people are afraid of death.

" To an organized mind, Death is nothing but the next great adventure" - Dumbledore ( Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)


Have you heard of the study which concluded that 82.3% stats are made on the spot?


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