Thursday, July 31, 2008

High - The 1st time

The last night was like ..... OSSOM!!!


Thursday, July 24, 2008


It's official!!

I've now wasted full 23 years of my life!!


Lots of people around, lots of phone calls, some unexpected too!!

Rcvd a sms in morning, wishing that my dearest wish comes true. We'll see soon enough, still 12 hours to go :-)

Thanks to all who made it to my home yesterday, special thanks to Ayush, Gandhi and Sid for organizing the 'surprise' ( it was indeed a surprise :) ), thanks for 'decorating' the room and obviously, thanks for the big cake and
the invisible candle(:-D) on it !!

And yes, sorry for being late :(

Mood: Delighted!
Humming: Hum bhi agar bacche hote....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

कितना दूर है भाई?

" भैया, चौक कितना दूर है यहाँ से?"
" यहाँ से करीब आधा किलोमीटर होगा "
:O :O

I was perturbed. Distance? In Kms?? Since when?

In Mumbai, the distance is always measured in minutes and hours.

" अँधेरी कितना दूर है यहाँ से?"
" सीधे सीधे जाके 5 मिनट में आ जाएगा "
"वैसे तो १० मिनट का रास्ता है, पर ट्रैफिक हुआ तो आधा घंटा तक लग सकता है"

For the past five years, it has always been like that.

So used to we are to this fact, that it took me a while to realize that the Bikaneri person in front of me, was actually using the correct units of distance. That distance is measured in kms, not minutes.

Correct he was, but of no use.

We, the Mumbaikars, will still prefer it if the distance is told in terms of seconds, minutes and hours. :)

Mood: Still frustrated from Bikaner journey.
Music: Musicless.

p.s. Only 60% of the week is over till now, really?? :(

Sunday, July 13, 2008


This trip was like one of those things you wish you never did...


1) Never, never undertake a train journey which is 25 hours long. Nothing, and I mean, NOTHING, is worth the backpain and frustration you get in return.

2) DO NOT travel in a train which doesn't have a pantry car. At least, not for a journey which lasts 25 hours.( That fckin' train, which is destined to travel 25 hrs at a stretch, didn't have a pantry car. X-( X-(. ).

3) Do not take the seat close to AC vent. DO exchange it with some other stupid fellow in case you get it by mistake. Else you'll wake up coughing and sneezing in the middle of night, and there won't be anything you could do about it then!

4) CARRY EARPHONES. For any damned journey. Else, whole world around you will kill you, simply by staring at you, because your laptop is uttering kissing sounds, or words like .. oh shucks, I am afraid to even mention those simple words now!

5) ALWAYS carry a return ticket ,whichever place you may be travelling to!! It simply sucked to get stuck in that stupid city with nothing to do, all day long, staring at the stupid comp screen, all the while worrying, how the hell would we get out of here.

6) And yes, I had one of those times, when after waking up, I said, " Oh, I'm never drinking again! " Terrible headache/ hangover/ what not, that too just after one bottle beer, don't know what had got into me that time. My room mate predicts it was the effect of finishing that thing in less than 5 minutes that did it to me.

As I was saying to my friend, " Jo hota hai, bhale ke liye hota hai". I guess these learnings were the best part of all this madness. I hope I never repeat these mistakes again.

(Even as I write this, I am sitting in the same train, for the same 25 hour long journey, that too without a pantry car. But yeah, this time, I've oodles of food with me. Some learning, I must say.)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

We, the Indians

Even at 11 in night, there were people hanging out from balconies, windows, roof tops to watch the Baraat progression ( I can't say for sure, whether it was because we were keeping them awake because of loud music, or because of the excitement, but I am gonna assume it was the latter case, because, in my childhood, I've used looking at a baraat as an excuse to delay the sleeping time).

We won't change, will we? :)

Mood: Upbeat

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life is good!

Date : 4th of July

Place: Hyderabad

Event: As depicted in picture above.

After Event : Glad to be alive!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Rain Rain... Come Again!!

~Day 1 - 10: Rains, drizzles.. what not!! Getting wet almost everyday!

~Day 11 : Get an umbrella!! yayyy!! No more getting wet!

Next day: Rains vanish for a week.

After a week, one day, the umbrella is lost.

Again, next two days, Heavy rains!

I get another umbrella.

Next day, we go to dinner to NH1 ( a place close to office).
The weather is clear at that time and I leave my bag ( the umbrella is obviously in the bag) behind. When we come out from the restaurant, it's raining again!!!

Ohh Murphy... I soo hate you!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rain rain!

There are these days when you want the rain to go on and on and on, because you just wish to lie cozy in a blanket in your bed and don't want to go to the office.

Then there are days like today, when you desperately want the rain to stop, because you wish to reach the office asap!!!

Don't you wish we had SOME control over all these things?!?!!