Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where are we headed?

I was reading a friend's blog today - and he talks about how he loves food cooked by Mom, and how, earlier in life, dinners used to be so much fun - with elders sitting in lounge - discussing various things, while all kids used to run around- causing havoc; and now, these dinners have changed into 60 minute formalities at a restaurant with everyone fidgeting to get out of it.

An interview excerpt that I saw sometime back:-

David Letterman: "Do you still live with your parents? As in, is it common in India for over-age people to live with parents?"

Aishwarya Rai, " Ya.. you know - It's also common in India that we don't have to take appointments with our parents to meet for dinner"

I felt immensely proud to be an Indian that day.

In the past 3 months, since we have moved into this flat, the no. of dinners that the four of us, had together, is less than 3.

Just got me thinking... where are we headed? Towards dinner appointments with our next generation?



Metallica bhakt! said...
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Unknown said...

what about meeting at dinner tonite Mr. Rohitashwa?


Dhandal said...

yup i have seen that david letterman show..

musketeer said...

!Deleted comment -


Thanks for the invite :P

in case u want to see it again -- its avail on youtube!