Tuesday, September 30, 2008


इतने कम शब्द, इतनी सारी बातें
तुम ही बताओ,
कैसे कहूँ वो सब जो दिल में है!!

Some 600 words- that's all I got - that too to express the 'something' ( which is ~nothing) that is going on in my mind.

God help me!

Seriously, God, please come and help me.

Oh God, if you are reading this blog, why don't you come and help me?

Are you still reading this blog?? I told you to come and help me!!

Oh damn! It seems you are still reading this post.

Ditch. I'll go and help myself.

[In fact, God helps those who help themselves. So, I'd better sign off and start writing :)]


Metallica bhakt! said...


Heidi said...

and then God said let there be daya and galloped in ghoda!

musketeer said...


:D - long time I've been wanting to do this - total daya!!


you left the story incomplete -

God galloped into my hand - on to the keyboard and hence the post!!
