Thursday, June 26, 2008

4 days of this stupid disease did what 3 months of workouts couldn't do.

Lost 3 kgs in 4 days.

Don't know whether to be happy or sad! :-|

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I din't invite you.
Why do you keep pestering me?
Why do you keep following me ?

Why do I have to entertain you?
Running to washbasin 3 times an hour, drinking all sorts of Cough syrups, not being able to eat what I want. Even if I have to drink water, I am reminded of you.

I didn't ask for you.
Stupid cold, cough and fever. That too, for four full days. Unacceptable.


Mood: Irritated.
Music: Still hooked on to Ya rehem.. ya rehem..


Brilliant Movie!!

Gripping story, awesome direction and incandescent performance by the actor.

However, there was a glitch in movie. It's about a habit of Mumbaikar's.

Aam!r asks for directions to the National Restaurant. The reactions were:-
1. Ignore.
2. " Jara sochne doge"
3. " Meri jeb me hai "

Now, this is not what you expect from 'aamchi mumbai'.

A typical mumbaikar, irrespective of how much hurry/tension he is in, would stop, explain you the way, then hurry again. That was 2nd thing I liked about this city. The 1st one was obviously, the pace at which this city moves ( we are not talking about the sluggish pace of traffic).


I alighted at Andheri station, and the scuttling pace of people took me by surprise. I distinctly remembered the scene in DCH, where Aamir khan is just standing, and people keep passing him at a furious speed. The causes were different, the effect- same.

Anyways, I gathered courage, tapped on shoulder of a passerby, then asked him how to get to Powai, and then made an attempt to keep up with his pace. The person abruptly stops. I am again taken aback. He stops, tells me the exact way, to reach the destination ( right when you are on bridge, then the bus no.s etc etc). Then, in a jiffy, he's back to his normal pace.

I couldn't help smiling. :)


Anyways, more on Mumbai later. Back to movie.

Again, a brilliant movie.

The sheer ferocity on Aamir's face when he beats the goons, the chopping of lambs when he passes through the market are the scenes that have a deep impact.

The word Aam!r, means a leader, as was stated in the movie. And in the end, the protagonist, turns out to be a true leader, that too,leading by example, probably, the rarest of it's kind!!

Must watch.

Music: Ya rehem, ya rehem...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Weakness? Or Improvement area?

Recently, a discussion of mine with one of my colleagues ended with these lines:-

" Don't ever think you have capability issues. It's just that you need to develop some additional skills. It's an improvement area of yours.

...I was once asked in an interview - " What are your weaknesses? "

I replied - ' I don't have any weaknesses that I know of. If I come to know of a weakness, I work upon it.'

There are times in life when you feel low. You have doubts. Your confidence has been brutally fragmented. You think you are of no use. And then you wonder, why are you here? Are you even fit to be here?

At those times, remember these words. Identify your weaknesses, work upon them.

May the victory be yours...

(Thanks A)

Monday, June 9, 2008


23 years.

Almost 23 years of this life spent.

Life, till now, has been a mixed bag.

I had my share of failures and sorrows. I have never been able to excel at a sport, neither could I thump my feet to the beats of music, nor could I train my fingers to bring out a melody from the guitar. And yes, the musketeer could never defeat the b@ng!ng at UT (@$%!@).

The Lord be praised, the successes and joys have been abundant.Bansal's, JEE, IITB, Unnati , TechFest, Asian Paints, Procter and Gamble..... just to name a few. All the names that make the heart go la-la-la-lalala...

However, a thing was missing in life. It was only recently that I realized that.

Sitting on my office desk last Friday, I reflected back, and realized that I never had been first. Never, ever. Neither in any competition, nor in any exam. Academically, I ranked 10th in Bansal's in the last exam, the test just before JEE. Non- academically, the best was UT, where I was 2nd all the time. That was the closest I came to being the first.

Thinking all this, I realized that it was my 5th continuous chocolate bar that I was eating. And as that last bit of chocolate melted away in my mouth, I further realized that the chocolate didn't taste that good.

It was something else, that was making the taste of chocolate go away.

It was the taste of victory, the taste of being 1st, that too, for the 1st time in life! :-D

I, had just won, the speed Scrabble tournament, topping the 16 teams that participated ! :-)


I can tell you, the feeling was better than dancing in the rain, a taste sweeter than chocolate, a thrill greater than riding a motorbike at 120kph, a surprise better than finding a 500 Rs note in an old pair of jeans, a thing probably more addictive than coffee, just a bit harder to get.

Oh! I want to be 1st again!!
Oh! How much I wish to get the feeling again!!
