Monday, June 9, 2008


23 years.

Almost 23 years of this life spent.

Life, till now, has been a mixed bag.

I had my share of failures and sorrows. I have never been able to excel at a sport, neither could I thump my feet to the beats of music, nor could I train my fingers to bring out a melody from the guitar. And yes, the musketeer could never defeat the b@ng!ng at UT (@$%!@).

The Lord be praised, the successes and joys have been abundant.Bansal's, JEE, IITB, Unnati , TechFest, Asian Paints, Procter and Gamble..... just to name a few. All the names that make the heart go la-la-la-lalala...

However, a thing was missing in life. It was only recently that I realized that.

Sitting on my office desk last Friday, I reflected back, and realized that I never had been first. Never, ever. Neither in any competition, nor in any exam. Academically, I ranked 10th in Bansal's in the last exam, the test just before JEE. Non- academically, the best was UT, where I was 2nd all the time. That was the closest I came to being the first.

Thinking all this, I realized that it was my 5th continuous chocolate bar that I was eating. And as that last bit of chocolate melted away in my mouth, I further realized that the chocolate didn't taste that good.

It was something else, that was making the taste of chocolate go away.

It was the taste of victory, the taste of being 1st, that too, for the 1st time in life! :-D

I, had just won, the speed Scrabble tournament, topping the 16 teams that participated ! :-)


I can tell you, the feeling was better than dancing in the rain, a taste sweeter than chocolate, a thrill greater than riding a motorbike at 120kph, a surprise better than finding a 500 Rs note in an old pair of jeans, a thing probably more addictive than coffee, just a bit harder to get.

Oh! I want to be 1st again!!
Oh! How much I wish to get the feeling again!!



Hg said...

Ha ha... bask in it while it lasts. Realize that it really doesn't matter tho.

What I would advise you against doing (and I don't think you will end up in that position) is to choose the softer option so that you can win.

Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long. And in the end, its only with yourself.

This last bit isn't mine, but I wish it were. It's from Sunscreen - Baz Luhrmann. Youtube it sometime.

- Hg

Vartika said...

congrats ghoda!
u sound like a li'l baby!

~GC said...

Ghode Congos !!!

But just check wid ur docs...because as Murphy says "Life so sweet...time to check ur insulin levels"....:P

musketeer said...

I think it's the same song that used to play once in a while during our exam studies, whenever we got break from " in aankhon ki masti..." or shehnai- " yeh jo desh hai..." :)

I know it doesn't matter.. but just that.. it was the 1st! :)

Thenks :P
I know - there is a kid in me which surfaces now n then - and I love being that kid! :D

aah.. I too am a follower of Murphy!! He has screwed up every1 more than once!! ;)

p.s. Mr. Puneet Daryani, it ain't over yet. I am gonna be back with a b@nG! :D